Thursday, April 28, 2011

psycho cardiology in Islamic Psychology

Dr. Zuhoori’s 40 Speaches, from 20th Dec ’08- 30th Jan’09.
Venue: Al-Falah Conference Hall, Daily 1.30pm
opp: Beach Hospital, Calicut-32 Ph: 0495-2766287

Psycho Cardiology is a field of Prophetic Medicinal psychology and Islamic Psycho Therapy. Clinical psychology had been its begining a part of mental health research and Practice, but nowadays it became enrolled in the wider sphere of the Health Science.
From this points of reference, our view of Psycho cardiology intends to go further and affirm a radical rupter with the Gartesian epistemological model which has dualism as its core- ground of Post modern science- and is present in the distinction between the material body and the immateral mind of the human being. condition of Psycho Cardiology has its philosophical  ground mainly in Prophet Mohammed (s) notion of the lived body (Al-Jasad), later developed by the Islamic physician Ibnu Nafees and the North American psyciatrist Drew Leder.
Scientific reserches developed around the body/ mind unity and interlationship, and specifically arpund the relation of mental process with Cardiovascular diseases give the scientific support to the Psycho Cardiology proposal.
The presant speach is supplimented by data from a phenomenological study conducted by Dr.S.A.Zuhoori at  the Institute’s clinical interviews were made with 50 inpatients that either were sumbmitted to revascularzation surgery, 1 to 8 days before the interview, or were going to be submitted to the surgery on the following 1 to 20 days after the interview. Result point to two kinds of connections between physical and mental or Psychological process:
1.  by comparatively refers connections presented by expremental studies that search for among Psychological factors and cardiac Pathology. eg. the type A behaviour pattern as an  independent risk factor to MI;
2. By repecussion: refers to the acknowledgement via phenomenological- hermeneutical resoning, that what is experienced in thebody affects the mind and vice-versa. Psychological reactions to the heart disease can be more astonishing and dramatic than those of the Cardiovascular system itself.
for the best conveys the body/ mind unity and says even more: this unity exists in intrinsic relation with the people and the world around.
Yousuf Nada,  MSc(Psych)
Latheefiyya Heart care
Under Dr.Abdulla Foundation
Al-Falah Complex
Calicut- 673032
Ph: 0495-2766287, 9895340977
web:   ,

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